FNF Undertale

In the Undertale universe, humans and monsters coexisted peacefully before conflict broke out. People defeated the demons and sent them to their inevitable end. These monsters were imprisoned in the mountain. A mystical wall was built over the hill to prevent the inmates from ever seeing the sun or stars again. It permits entry but forbids exit. And here is where the tale starts — with a lonely youngster becoming trapped within. He must now make every effort to live and discover a path to freedom.

Controls and gameplay

The player has a great deal of action flexibility in the game. Players can decode riffs, play little games, sit still on the ground, and prepare food with a fish lady. But the fighting in Undertale is actually what sets it apart. This approach is straightforward in other RPGs: players kill creatures and get experience and resources.
In Undertale, every creature has a character. Each foe has a distinct strategy that they employ. You research your adversary, withstand the assault, and then study again till you discover what the monsters enjoy.

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