Deltarune Chapter 3

Toby Fox, the developer of Deltarune Chapter 2, provides an update and a sneak peek at what will be in Chapter 3 while also celebrating Undertale’s 7th anniversary. Fans won’t be too surprised by the development and chapter gap as the first Deltarune chapter was released in 2018 and the second three years later. Toby Fox has previously stated that chapters 3-5, currently in production, will be included in the game’s next release, even though fans have been waiting for the following chapters for a long time.

When can players expect the third part?

By announcing that there wouldn’t be any new Deltarune chapters released in 2022, Toby Fox restrained fan expectations. Fans may get a preview of a future release and an update on chapters 3-5 in the most recent article on the game’s website.
Various music pieces from the game’s soundtrack are featured in this little preview collection and excerpts from Hometown and Castletown. It contains a preview of a few activities players can engage in this chapter, such as strolling with Susie or even conversing with the Queen from Deltarune chapter 2. The update even mentions that the background music in the Castle Town living room may change depending on whether gamers acquired the correct individuals in the previous chapter.

Update Features

The last section of the update is a brand-new Dark World. In this alternate setting, all combat occurs and will be revealed in Deltarune’s upcoming chapter. It’s fair to conclude that the next Dark World will be based on TV based on the accompanying music Green Room, the snapshot style from TV Studio, and the cliffhanger from Chapter 2. The game is still in development, and no chapters will be released this year. Nevertheless, Toby Fox reminds fans there will be a particular charity auction featuring Spamton items on the game’s official website.
Deltarune’s chapters 3, 4, and 5 do not yet have release dates. All that is known is that the current intention is to release all three simultaneously, according to Fox’s September 2021 update. It’s unclear whether they will have to wait much longer than they did for Deltarune Chapter 2 or if the gap will still be close to three years. No trailer is offered. If Fox uses the same procedure as Chapter 2, don’t anticipate learning much about these next episodes before their broadcast in a few days.

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